Our patient satisfaction information is gathered by a third party vendor to ensure patient confidentiality. Surveys are distributed to patients who visit Nashville Neuroscience Group. Mail surveys are distributed to a random sampling of patients and email surveys are provided to every patient who gives an email address. Survey questions address the provider's compassion and communication style and the likelihood that the patient would recommend the provider. Once the survey is received via mail or email, completed and returned, it is transcribed and comments and ratings appear here.
Scroll below to see feedback from Dr. Bryant's patients. |
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To Doctor Bryant who saw Allie Sealey recently, THANK YOU for taking care of my best friend Allie and providing important, necessary treatment and getting down to business. Thank you for being kind, helpful and understanding. Thank you so much! Thank you for adding Not All In Our Heads video on your website, it’s MY FAVORITE Allie Sealey original song!!!!